Water purification information

What is a commercial water purifier

Views : 81163
Update time : 2021-08-18 15:57:40
In the 1830s, it was learned by the British cholera that the water closely related to the development of the Industrial Revolution was severely polluted. Charles Barneyao invented the water purifier and named it Barneyaojing by the emperor at the time. Water purifiers, in order to completely solve cholera, family water purifiers can only solve the water used by small families. In order to solve this problem, Charles Barniao spent nearly 20 years developing the commercial water purifiers that appeared in the talk. In fact, commercial water purifiers are almost the same as household water purifiers, it is just a matter of water output. Generally, commercial water purifiers use central water purifiers and integrated water purifiers, which can not only solve industrial water, but also solve the daily drinking water, bathing water, and washing water problems of workers. Commercial central water purifiers can effectively remove harmful substances such as sand, rust, suspended pollutants, dust, colloids, bacteria, and organic matter in the water, and retain beneficial minerals and trace elements. It not only brings you healthy water quality, but also brings you peace of mind in life and work.
There are many types of commercial water purifiers:
1. The structure of the water purifier is different, and the water purification effect is also different. Generally speaking, the primary filter water purifier has a simple structure, mainly activated carbon, and its filtering capacity is limited. It can only be used for coarse filtration. The filtered water is best heated and boiled for drinking.
2. Multi-stage filter water purifier. This kind of water purifier has two stages of coarse filtration and a set of fine filtration, and the fine filtration mostly uses a hollow fiber filter element, and the filtered water can be directly consumed.
3. The water purification effect of the reverse osmosis pure water machine is the most ideal. It has three-stage pre-filtration, one-stage reverse osmosis membrane precision filtration and one-stage post-filtration. The filtered water is free of bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, pesticides, organic matter, minerals and odors. It is pure water and can be drunk without heating.

Introduction to the principle of membrane filtration
Ultrafiltration is a screening process that uses membrane separation technology. The pressure difference between the two sides of the membrane is the driving force, and the ultrafiltration membrane is used as the filter medium. Under the pressure of a certain ultrafiltration stainless steel water purifier, when the original liquid flows through the membrane On the surface, many small pores densely distributed on the surface of the ultrafiltration membrane only allow water and small molecules to pass through and become permeate, while the substances in the original solution whose volume is larger than the pore size of the membrane surface are trapped on the inlet side of the membrane and become the permeate. Concentrated liquid, thus achieving the purpose of purification, separation and concentration of the original liquid.
There are about 6 billion 0.01 micron pores on the wall of each meter-long ultrafiltration membrane filament tube. Its pore size only allows water molecules, beneficial minerals and trace elements in the water to pass through, and the smallest bacteria have a volume above 0.02 microns. Therefore, bacteria, as well as colloids, rust, suspended solids, silt, and macromolecular organic matter that are much larger than bacteria can be intercepted by the ultrafiltration membrane, thereby realizing the purification process.
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